Exceptionally rare and original, 1903 Salesman’s Sample, Advertising Calendar for a Denver, Colorado Photographer / Photography Supply Company that is illustrated with an original, Tintype Photograph of a young man.

    This fascinating, 1903 Photography related Salesman’s Sample Calendar advertises the R. M. Davis Photo Stock Co. of Denver, Colorado. The back side of the Calendar features a printed price list detailing the cost of “Developing and Printing” multiple copies of photographs taken by the various models of Kodak Cameras as well as details regarding the price for Photo Illustrated Calendars like the Salesman’s Sample offered here.

    A copyright slug on the Back of the Calendar reads “Photo Mat Calendar. Patented Jan. 24, Feb 19, 1901”.

    This outstanding, Tintype Illustrated Advertising Salesman’s Sample Advertising Calendar measures approx. 3 1/2" by 5 1/2" and features a 2 ½” by 3” tintype portrait of a young man mounted at the top. The portrait is a circular, vignette image that is mounted between the two pieces of card stock that make up the Calendar such that the circular opening at the top acts as a “matt” that frames the Image.

    Printed text on the front of this Salesman’s Sample, Advertising Calendar above the mounted Tintype Photo reads “R. M. Davis Photo Stock Co. / 1639 Champa St., Denver”. Below the portrait there is a 1903 Calendar Pad which retains the monthly pages from March through December. At the bottom of the front of the Calendar is the single word “OVER”.

    Printed text on the back of the Calendar includes advertising for the processing of multiple copies of photographs taken by various models of Kodak Cameras as well as text advertising Calendars such as the one offered here which reads in part: “Calendars like this sample, and all size openings and colors 10¢ each, $1.00 per Dozen”.

    Over the past 44+ years we have handled a dozen or more Advertising Calendars that were illustrated with real photographs (including one illustrated with a Daguerreotype), however, this is the very first example of any type of advertising that we have seen that was illustrated with a Tintype Photo! There is no doubt that this wonderful, Salesman’s Sample Advertising Calendar is exceptionally rare!

    This rare and original, Tintype Illustrated Salesman’s Sample, Photographer’s Advertising Calendar is in excellent to near mint condition. The mounted, Tintype Portrait is exceptionally well preserved and in mint, original condition. The Calendar is also exceptionally well preserved – clean and crisp with sharp corners and no soiling, staining, physical damage or repairs – without even a hint of edge wear. The original; calendar pad is present and equally crisp and clean but the pad does lack the January and February pages. Overall this fascinating Advertising Calendar is exceptionally well preserved and displays beautifully!!

    An exceptionally rare and original, 1903 Salesman’s Sample, Advertising Calendar for a Denver, Colorado Photographer / Photography Supply Company that is illustrated with an original, Tintype Photograph of a young man and a fantastic addition to any collection!!

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The amount quoted for Shipping & Handling is calculated by eBay and is equal to the EXACT amount charged by the Post Office plus a $1.00 "packing fee" - the $1.00 fee is our only compensation for the virgin packing materials we use on all of our professionally packaged boxes as well as our cost for the salaried help that does most of our packing - as I am sure you can see, we make NO profit on the Shipping charges and, in fact, our costs are usually greater than the $1.00 fee. Please contact us if there are any issues regarding the cost of shipping.

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