This beautiful pendant is inspired by the traditional Toki and Adze designs of the Maori and Polynesian cultures. It features a stunning light jade stone.

The pendant is made with high-quality stone and is perfect for those who appreciate handmade jewelry. Its unique design and intricate details make it a great addition to any jewelry collection. It measures 47x22mm and is professional wrapped with a hand woven artificial sinew cord.

The Toki (Adze) is a symbol of strength, determination, and courage in times of adversity. The shape represents a tool often used by Polynesians for carving, shaping, and weaponry and was originally used for practical purposes.

Jade has calming and soothing properties, it eliminates fear, comforts, and calls for benevolence. Then, it helps the heart to find compassion to make the right decisions, balances emotions, and gives modest and clear ideas. Finally, it opens your mind and persuades you toward renewal