PRO Magic: Passe Passe Bottles WITH Glasses!

A classic comedy effect, where a bottle and glass change places. This is a sucker version, where performer continues to perform after one of the bottles has been stolen away.

Supplied two metal cylinders - Brand new bottle style! Looks like the metal version, but made of hard light weight plastic  -  giving you more durable props much more impervious to drops, dents, and peeling paint!  than spun metal bottles, and at a much lower price. +  2 wine glasses are included!

Comedy Passe Passe Glass & Bottle Sucker - EFFECT:

The performer apparently shows two Cylinders, under one of which is a bottle, and under the other a glass. The magician makes a Magic pass, and the bottle and glass are found to have changed places, with the bottle now appearing under the Cylinder where the glass was, and vice versa. This is repeated a number of times and can be played for a lot of  comedy. 

For example an assistant can be chasing the bottle, and every time he selects a Cylinder, he finds the glass under it, while the bottle appears under the other Cylinder. After a few changes, as the magician is apparently talking to the audience, the assistant creeps up to both the cylinders and finds the bottle in one, which he steals away. He now smugly asks the magician to perform the trick again. 
The magician apparently unaware that the bottle has been stolen away, continues to perform the trick as before, leaving the assistant and the audience doubly amazed.
 We supply you a set of
 3 nested plastic bottles
 2 metal cylinders
 2 wine glasses - can be filled with any liquid of your choice
 All at an astonishingly low price, a fraction of the cost of the spun metal sets.
The plastic bottles are just as effective, and much more impervious to drops, dents, and peeling paint!
Shipping price includes the following:
1. Class Airmail, Insurance, handling & packing + 1 FREE surprise trick :-)   

Buy 2 or more items to SAVE MONEY on shipping! 

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