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10 inches tall x 7 inches wide


Pha Yant (Temple Cloth) from the Wat Sothorn Temple Thailand.

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(more pictures below)

10 inches tall x 7 inches wide


This Pha Yant shows the Miracle Buddha of the Wat Sothorn Temple.

The Buddha is known as LUANG PHO SOTHORN.

This is a blessed Buddhist Temple Cloth 'Pha Yant' blessed  that comes from the Wat Sothorn Temple, Thailand.

This blessed and empowered temple talisman is called a Pha Yant.

It can also be called a 'Cloth Yant' a 'Paa Yant', a 'Payant'  or a 'Yant cloth talisman'

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This sacred Temple Wishing Cloth is 10 inches tall x 7 inches wide

Hang in your home, office or car for GOOD LUCK

This blessed and empowered temple cloth talisman is called a Pha Yant.

It can also be called a 'Cloth Yant' a 'Paa Yant', a 'Payant'  or a 'Yant cloth talisman'

This sacred blessed and empowered 'Pha Yant' sacred talisman can be framed and hung on a wall, hung on a wall as it is, carried with you in your pocket or placed in your car to grant you a safe journey. It can be given to a friend or loved one as a special sacred gift. This 'Pha Yant' is for your protection from evil and bad spirits, and will protect you against bad luck.  A 'Pha Yant' will protect you from danger. This 'Pha Yant' will grant you a long and healthy life and also grant your wishes. A sacred 'Pha Yant' can be given to grant blessings to a wedded couple to enable them to have many healthy children and to have a long and a happy marriage. 

**** If you write your wishes on the back of a blessed 'Pha Yant' they will be granted .

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This Pha Yant shows the Miracle Buddha of the Wat Sothorn Temple.

The Buddha is known as LUANG PHO SOTHORN.

The Sothorn Buddha (Luang Phor Sothorn) is one of the most revered Buddha images in Thailand.

People from all over Thailand and the neighbouring countries come to pray to this Buddha.

It is said that if you pray to Buddha Sothorn and make a wish it will be granted.

This Buddha will also protect your health, grant you good luck in business and love and help you in your career and increase your wealth.


The Wat Sothorn Temple has a very sacred Buddha image and is regarded as one of the most revered Buddha images by the people in Thailand. This Buddha is in the attitude of meditation.

Worshipers all over the country pay high respect to this temple due to the miraculous events attributed to the Buddha statue, for example the recovery from terminal illness using petals collected from the ground in front of the temple statue and made into herbal medicine. In return, a small donation is given to hired Thai dancers who are attired in elaborate classical costumes and perform for the resident spirits.

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The Wat Sothorn Temple has a very sacred Buddha image and is regarded as one of the most revered Buddha images by the people in Thailand. This Buddha is in the attitude of meditation.

Worshippers all over the country pay high respect to this temple due to the miraculous events attributed to the Buddha statue, for example the recovery from terminal illness using petals collected from the ground in front of the temple statue and made into herbal medicine. In return, a small donation is given to hired Thai dancers who are attired in elaborate classical costumes and perform for the resident spirits.


 The items on this Spiritual-Sky eBay site, call  you to go back, far back in time to when you were a child. In those days you thought that nothing at all was impossible, you could do anything and everything. In those days long ago your spirit had not been reduced by negativity you believed in pure and special magical powers and your mind was open to receive and discover and to understand the mysteries of life. 

 These Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and can and will be attuned to you. Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone.  These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.

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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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