TUBIE ironing machine

TUBIE® - „Drying and Ironing at Once“
No other ironing machine can do more!

(shirts, blouses, jackets, t-shirts, skirts and trousers, coats etc.)


With the ironing machine TUBIE®, you can dry and ironing shirts, blouses, summer and winter jackets, t-shirts, skirts and trousers (without pleats) – all in just one step!

The field of application possibilities of the ironing machine TUBIE® is not beaten by any other ironing machine, dry cleaner or rotary ironer.

Simple handling: Draw wettish garment onto machine, affix tautening clips (for tightening even the problem zones), switch on electronic timer, and you´re done. The drying and ironing process begins.

With the ironing-machine TUBIE®, there is no need for a warm-up time or a manual setting of the temperature/material (linen, silk, etc.).

The temperature automatically adjusts to the material of the garment.

For an easy inspection of the drying process, the device is rotatable and can be adjusted in it´s height.

After finishing of the electronic timeout and a cool down cycle (anti-creasing-cycle), the device turns off automatically.

Technical data:

Connected load: 3390 Watt, 220V / 50Hz, 16 Amp.

Weight: approx. 17kg.

Price: TUBIE® including inflatable cover for shirts, inflatable cover for trousers and demo DVD