Braided Dacron Waxed Kite Line

20 lb. / 1000 ft. of Braided Waxed Dacron line on a roll, great for small to medium one string kites.

The 20 lb. line will hold most small to medium 1 string kites.

Also used for sport fishing.  20 # / 333.33 yd.
1000 ft = 1000 feet
1000 ft = 333.33 yds
1000 ft = 304.8 m
Dacron Line has a small amount of stretch.
Waxed for low resistance.
 This is a premium yet economical line for your single line kites.
Great for bridles on any single line kite or handy for a  windsock.
Useful in a variety of hobby, household, commercial, engineering, and industrial applications.