Your favourite REPRODUCTION Vintage Style Sign...
Delivered direct to your door!
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High Quality Coat of Arms Sign - Aged/Weathered...
(image shown above for illustration only)
Perfect Gift for Birthdays or Christmas....

A coat of arms is a unique heraldic design on an escutcheon (i.e. shield), surcoat, or tabard. A surcoat, and subsequently a coat of arms was used by medieval knights to cover, protect, and identify the wearer. Thus these are sometimes called coat armory. The coat of arms on an escutcheon forms the central element of the full heraldic achievement which consists of shield, supporters, crest, and motto. The design is a symbol unique to an individual person, family, company or state. Such displays are commonly called armorial bearings, armorial devices, heraldic devices, or simply arms....


Thousands of our Coat of Arms descriptions are derived from early archives books such as Reistaps and Burkes General Armorial. We consider ALL of our Coat of Arms to be totally generic, because Coat of Arms in each archive book are different and they conflict with each other. The names such as Jones and Smith have literally hundreds of Coat of Arms listed. So the only way to get a correct description of a Coat of Arms that is REGISTERED for you.... is to go and create the design and register it yourself.

If you want a particular image on the sign, we are more than happy to help!

(image shown above for illustration only)