Christmas Ornament Snow Globe

Snowglobe Teddy Bear Santa Claus Missing Water


Made in China. Missing some water. 3 by 1 3/4". I would guess 1960's to late 1990's. We have quite a few Christmas ornament decorations up for sale in separate auctions. Each ornament has a number on it so we send you the correct one. Shelf qq 

We own Lynn's Consignments Fun Home Furnishings in Ventura CA.  1975 E. Main Street Ventura, CA  93001.  5,000 square feet of carefully curated vignettes with merch from over 1,000 consignors.  Everyone Wins When They Shop at Lynn's.  Tues - Sat 11 to 5 and Sun 11-3

We also just opened a Clothing Consignment store in back at 1971 E. Main Street.  Lynn's Fun Fashions!  Come and see us :)