Nicotiana - Perfume White

Nicotiana - Perfume White. A taller series, with scented flowers. The upward-facing flowers are held well above the foliage, and the plants are ideal for 10-13cm pot production and Summer colour sales. Makes a good specimen plant in the mixed border. 50cm.

When to Sow: February to March

Where to Sow: Sow onto the surface of pots and trays on moist seed compost and cover with a fine sprin-kling of vermiculite. Place in a propagator or warm place and keep at a temperature of be-tween 18-23°C (65-75°F). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination.

What to do Next: When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant into 7.5cm (3") pots or trays. Gradual-ly acclimatize plants to cooler conditions for a few weeks before planting out after all risk of frost, 45-60cm (18-24") apart in a sunny border.

Flowers: June to October.

Pack Size - 50 Seeds.

Nicotiana - Perfume White