Telecaster Compatible Bridge with Vintage Saddles

This Telecaster Compatible Bridge has an all vintage design, but eschews the classic three-saddle Tele bridge style for six individual saddles. This allows for much improved intonation and individual string height adjustment, allowing you to customise your Tele to your exacting specifications, whilst still maintaining that vintage aesthetic.

Stamped Steel

Just like those classic Fender bridges, this Tele-style Bridge is stamped out of steel for a rock solid and reliable construction. Unlike other cheaper materials, steel imparts its own bright tonality on your guitar, enhancing sustain and note clarity. It comes with colour matched screws that lock the bridge down to the guitar body, promoting the transfer of string vibrations.

Individual Saddles

A lot players prefer individual saddles because it gives you greater control over the intonation of the guitar. Unlike the traditional Tele bridge, you have completely individual saddles which lets you set intonation without making any compromises.

Dual Loading Bridge Design

This bridge is dual loading, so you can have your strings as top loading or string thru. There are various reasons you might choose either, so having both as an option is a pretty good deal!

String Thru

When using a string thru bridge, you'll have increased tension versus that of a top loading bridge, which some players prefer as it gives you a more stable playing platform, particularly when you're plucking with your fingers. It really comes down to personal preference which you prefer, as both will sound equally great, just different.

Top Loading

When top loading, the strings are top mounted to the back of the bridge, which means a slightly lesser string tension than that of a through body. This will make the guitar sound more resonant and lively, which some players prefer over string-thru style bridges.

Tele Bridge Design

The Telecaster bridge design is unique because it also acts as a mount for the bridge pickup. Most likely influenced by the design of lap steel guitars, the baseplate inreases the magnetic force of the Alnico slugs on the pickups, upping the magnetic strength and making the pickups more powerful. This sonic side effect is what gives Tele pickups their cutting sound.

Telecaster Bridge Upgrade

Whether you're looking to replace an existing Tele bridge, or you're starting a brand new guitar build, this great bit of kit will offer an excellent upgrade on the vast majority of Tele guitar bridges out there.

BT006 Specification


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