New softcover reprint of:

Every name Index to the Wills Registered in the Surrogates Office, City of New York 1665-1800

Author(s): anonymous

Originally Published in 1909

Total number of pages = 859
This two volume set includes the seperate indexes from volumes 1 through 17 of the Abstract of Wills series. Each index is also included in the respective volume.

Printed in a standard Trade Paperback Size (6x9")

Print size is normal (6"x9")

Larger print format is available for extra cost (a penny a page)

Hardcover version available for an extra $12 per volume

Custom Made Item that Usually Ships in 5-10 Business Days - For Large Print - Small Print - Hardcover versions or optional inscriptions or additional pages please use the ask seller a question link and I will create an official eBay offer through which you can purchase it

Published by the Apple Manor Press.

Unlike the competition we do not print from low quality compressed free PDF files. Each page is meticulously processed and verified by trained artisans. We start with high resolution scanned images of each page without lossy compression that can distort images and reduce clarity. Then we manually process and verify each image to remove background noise; clean; straighten and position the image and ensure there are no missing or duplicate pages to ensure the best possible print quality depending on the original used.