Four Volumes


CLASSICS OF WORLD LITERATURE, 4 Volumes.... Includes volumes by POE, DOYLE, TWAIN and DICKENS.........Published by the Chatham River Press.....The DICKENS and DOYLE books have illustrations...

                DESCRIPTION - Hardbacks, bound with a leather spine....With the original box...

            CONDITION - The set is in good condition.......The pages are good, with some light scratches on the gold edges......The covers are solid, with some wear and use, and with some sticker residue and scrapes on the spine of one volume......The entire length of one the top box side is torn.....This is a purty good set....I think you will be pleased with it...

              PAYMENT AND SHIPPIN' - 'Course the fearless winner is gonna hafta pay $8.75 forpostage and handlin'........Multiple purchases save on shippin'...


            Now while you're here, why don't you give my other auctions a look-see...Why, I 'spect I got a wagon load of mighty good books over yonder in my Book Barn...

      Thanks a heap....!!!

          - - - ol' arkee