Bcherbär - Buchharald Bcherbär - Buchharald

Heattransfer from J. P. Homan 1997 Wärmeübertragung with Software IBM 3,5 Disk


from J. P. Homan, 8th Edition, from 1997, with Software includes IBM 3,5 Disk, 696 Seiten

- Introduction - Steady-Ste Conduction  One Dimension - ... Multiple Dimensions - Unsteady-State Conduction -
- Priciples of ... - Empirical and Practical Relations for Forced-... Heat Transfer - Natural ... Systems - Radiation Heat ... -
- Condensation and Boiling ... - Heat Exchangers - Mass Transfer - Appendixes

- Physik - Wärmeübertragung - 1111g

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