A Day with Diabetes - Board Game Bundle

A Day with Diabetes is a unique board game for 1 to 4 players designed to help people of any age, with or without diabetes, understand living a day with diabetes. The players will learn about different symptoms, nutrition and care while helping everyone become more aware and understanding of diabetes.  This is a new, unopened board game, complete with game board, 1 die, 4 playing pieces and 20 action cards. 

"What Happened to Me? Jason has Diabetes" is a 15 page coloring book for all ages. It describes a small boy's fears of having diabetes. It is informative and helps any age to understand diabetes while coloring. 

"The Forgotten Child" is a 12 page coloring book which describes a child feeling the loneliness of a chronic illness without having it. This is ideal for siblings and anyone close to the diabetic. It is very helpful in understanding these problems while coloring.