C1 Cherry KEATON. L'ILE DES MANCHOTS.. Edition Boivin 1949, EPUISE EN LIBRAIRIE, broche, format 14*19 cm, 181 pages. NOMBREUSES ILLUSTRATIONS (photos) en Planches Hors texte. BON ETAT, Bonne Apparence.

Traduit de l´Anglais  (The Island of Penguins - 1930)

L'auteur, un des premiers auteurs de films de reportage animalier passe plusieurs mois sur l'Ile DASSEN (Dassen Island) au large de l'AFRIQUE DU SUD en 1929/1930 , epoque ou y vivaient des millions de manchots ...

Resume en anglais : 'The Island Of Penguins' is about one man getting a close encounter with 3 million african penguins on an island in South Africa that they call home. Kearton has spent 3 or 4 long months in South Africa photographing and studying penguins. He has watched them get married, dig burrows, make love, lay eggs, raise chicks, fight, play, bathe in the ocean, feed, and nap. And all that time, he has got to know every single one of the penguins and met them face to face."

Le livre est en Francais

NON REEDITE en francais a l´heure actuelle

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