This odd little handwritten document measures 3 3/4 by 6 inches. One side is signed by Alex Stallings in 1873. It's a list of household goods with their values, a bed and bolster, with sheet, blanket and counterpane, a pot, a plate, cup and saucer, bowl and sugar dish, a flat iron and trace chain (?), a spinning wheel and a cow and calf. The bed and the cow and calf are the most valuable at $25 each. The total of all the items is $80.52. At the top of the list is "I have lent unto my daughter Sarah F. Stricklan until I call for it these articles". On the back of the page in the same hand is "I charge $150 a year for keeping my daughter Sarah F. Stallings from the death of my mother to the day of her marriage." Below that is a signature in a different hand "Robbort (sp?) Strickland. I would love to know the story behind this -the daughter's last name is Stricklan" on the front and Stallings on the back. Perhaps a father dealing with a daughter returning home between marriages? Paper is stoned, and the ink has run in places. Several nicks on the edge.