"An easy day for a lady" is a phrase well known to Nell Bray, a suffragette with a knack for landing in the middle of murder mysteries. The saying, notorious among mountain climbers, denotes something so effortless it's not worth doing. Where Nell is concerned, things are rarely that simple - and her unexpected visit to the French Alps proves no exception.
An outraged Nell heads to Chamonix after Britain's House of Commons smothers a bill that would at last have given women the vote. She's hoping that a climbing holiday will clear her head - and calm the temper that once landed the suffragette in prison for throwing a brick through the window of No. 10 Downing Street.
But rest and relaxation are not to be hers: On her second day at Mont Blanc, Nell spots a French rescue team chipping a body out of the ice. "If a man dies up there and his body is not recovered, it must come down the glacier in the course of time," a guide tells her. "It may take thirty years, even forty, but down he must come sooner or later." "Come down" he has.
The corpse is identified as belonging to Englishman Arthur Mordiford, who disappeared three decades earlier, and the bilingual Nell is recruited as an interpreter for his British family. But when Mordiford's death begins to look as if it might not have been accidental, more than Nell's language skills are called into play, as the irrepressible sleuth cannot resist yet another case.