Ty Pinchers Beanie Babies  Errors 1993 style 4026


Ty family:Beanie Babies

Style number:4026


Special category:Original 9

Birthday:June 19, 1993

Intro date:January 8, 1994

Retire date:May 1, 1998

Length:ST gen(s):1, 2, 3, 4, 5

TT gen(s):1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


This lobster loves to pinch

Eating his food inch by inch

Balancing carefully with his tail

Moving forward slow as a snail !


1. Pinchers is one of the original 9 Beanie Babies.

2. Pinchers is made with the same fabric as Digger (red) (style 4027), Grunt (style 4092), Snort (style 4002) and Tabasco (style 4002).

3. Pinchers was the first Beanie Baby to have a misspelled name on its swing tag. When it was first produced for sale in the UK, its name was spelled Punchers.


1. Pinchers with a Chocolate tush tag.

2. Pinchers with a Mystic tush tag.

3. Pinchers with a Speedy tush tag.

4. Pinchers with a Waves tush tag.