Ausgabe in Englisch

SOUTH AMERICAN HANDBOOK (Südamerika kompakt)

von Kolumbien bis Argentinien

by Ben Box

Verlag: Footprint Handbooks Ltd.

Die Footprint Handbooks stehen für höchste Ansprüche an einen Reiseführer - perfekt recherchiert  

The 80th Edition 2004

 1550 Seiten mit detaillierten Karten und Übersichtsplänen  

 The South American Handbook was first produced in the 1920s, and has been an essential part of travellers' luggage almost ever since. For the 2000 edition, the old hardback format has been replaced by a less weighty soft-cover version, and for the first time there is a range of superb photographs showing off South America at its best, together with all the old features which make The Handbook so special.

Perhaps because of its history, The Handbook manages to do justice to the complexities of history, economics and politics of a region, while at the same time providing the essentials which are the staple of most of its competitors. Most guidebooks trying to cover a land-mass as vast and varied as South America end up as garbled and piecemeal editions which totally fail to do justice to the area and are completely inadequate when it comes to any attraction which is off the beaten track. The Handbook, however, manages to provide crucial information listings and a broader range of accommodation and entertainment options than other guides possess, without losing its knack for leading you away from the favourite haunts of travellers to places which are genuinely remote.

This is far and away the leader for guides on the region, and has a position which will be very hard to challenge. If you are packing only one guidebook for your trip to South America, this is the one to take

weitere Informationen zum Zustand und Inhalt des Reiseführers siehe meine Bildgalerie

Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um ein gebrauchtes, aber sehr gutes Exemplar
 Das Buch wurde von mir durchgesehen und kontrolliert. Sollten dennoch  Mängel nicht beschrieben sein, so bitte ich sie diese Mängel anzuzeigen und mit mir nach einer Lösung zu suchen. Diese Lösung wird  in ihrem Interesse  sein. 

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