The pendulum is a tool that is used to communicate with spirit via your higher self or your guides. This is one way that you can confidently make decisions based on a precise method or you may use a pendulum to scan energy blocks in your chakras or imbalances. You can also use pendulums to cleanse and clear negative energy from a room, person or object.

This pendulum is made with a rock crystal stone. 


- Is good for all the chakras and astrological associations.

- Focuses your mind and aids meditation.
- Is a feel better stone.
- Works on all levels of being and channels energy.
- Is a master healer and can be used for any condition.
- Cleanses and enhances the subtle body and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind.

An organza bag is included with your pendulum

Material : Rock Crystal + Nickel free metal

Pendulum length : 2,5 cm 

Diameter : 1,5 cm. 

Chain length : 18,5 cm. 

Total length (pendulum + chain) : 21 cm.