A yantra is a mystical diagram that is the house in which a Devata (God or Goddess) dwells. Worship of planetary yantras is used to remove the ill effects of malefic planets and to increase the positive influences of favorable planets. Mangala is the God of Mars, and is one of the nine primary celestial beings in Hindu Vedic astrology. It is these celes¬tial beings who are the agents of the Law of Karma. The yantra shows Mars’ symbol, the Zodiac signs ruled by him, and the mantras associated with the ruling deity, Naradiniha Dera. Mars is the planet of power, strength, courage and aggression, and measures our ability to project force in life.

Mars (Mangala) symbolizes the fiery masculine nature. It gives energy and the ability to act decisively, strength, power and courage.
Use the Mars Yantra if you want to:
- increase your activity, charge of vital energy, endurance;
- become more confident, determined, and develop leadership skills;
- Improve digestion, metabolism, get rid of excess weight;
- neutralize enemies, conflicts, problems with law enforcement agencies;
- calm the aggression and irritation in and around you;
- get protection for dangerous work and risky activities.

Size 11,81 x 11,81 Inches (30x30 cm)
(you can contact me for making this Yantra in another size)