Natural Apatite & Hematite & Hematite discs Bracelet beads with a diameter of 8 and 6 mm, combined with 1 scratch free stainless steel “diAngelo” logo anchor bead 11 x 6 mm.

Gioielli fatti a mano italiani per uomo e donna. Il tuo gioiello viene fornito con: scatola, busta regalo, carta e busta. Pronto per un regalo!
diAngelo Jewelry è un famoso marchio italiano di alta moda. diAngelo Jewelry è l'acronimo di Gioielli di pietre preziose fatti a mano per uomo e donna. Creato da un artista gioiello italiano olandese con sede a Roma.

diAngelo Jewelry esprime uno stile di vita che ha le sue origini nel concetto di "Roma antica" e "Cultura mediterranea". Sono una fonte di ispirazione per lo sviluppo delle nuove collezioni.
diAngelo Jewelry punta su Made in Italy, spirito mediterraneo, design e armonia, comfort, colore e artigianato.

diAngelo Jewelry, un marchio con una visione chiara: essere il marchio di gioielli più riconoscibile, colorato e dinamico. Incredibili bracciali con pietre preziose eccezionali. 🇮🇹 Il vero Made in Italy 🇮🇹. Scelto da migliaia di persone da tutto il mondo.

Acquista in modo intelligente. Compra italiano. Acquista

Italian Handmade Jewelry For Men And Women. Your Jewelry comes with: Box, Gift Bag & Card and Envelope. Ready for a Present!
diAngelo Jewelry is a famous high fashion Italian Brand. diAngelo Jewelry stands for Handmade luxurious gemstones Jewelry For Men And Women. Created by a Rome based Dutch Italian Jewel Artist.

diAngelo Jewelry expresses a lifestyle that has it origins in the concept of “Ancient Rome” and “Mediterranean Culture”. They are a source of inspiration for the development of the new collections. 
diAngelo Jewelry focuses on Made in Italy, Mediterranean spirit, Design and Harmony, Comfort, Color and Craftsmanship. 

diAngelo Jewelry, a brand with a clear vision: to be the most recognizable, colored and dynamic Jewelry brand. Amazing Exceptional Gemstones Bracelets. 🇮🇹 The real Made in Italy 🇮🇹. Trusted by thousands from all around the world.

Buy smart. Buy Italian. Buy diAngelo.

Apatite is found in sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous, and volcanic rocks. Moon rocks collected by astronauts during the Apollo program contain traces of apatite.
Apatite can form in sedimentary processes, igneous processes (e.g., Pegmatite), metamorphic processes, and in hydrothermal vents, as well as production by biological systems.

Provenance of Apatite:
Brazil, Myanmar, and Mexico. Other sources include[2] Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, and the United States.

What is the meaning and what are the healing powers of Apatite:
is a stone of manifestation. It is related to service and to humanitarian pursuits.

Apatite helps eliminate over-activity, under-activity, blockages and congestion in all of the chakras.

Hematite is a shiny, dark-coloured stone found all over the world. It is made mainly of iron, which gives it its metallic sheen. In Ancient Rome, hematite was a popular stone for decorative purposes. Jewellery, weapons, and even armour decorated with hematite were traded widely.
Roman warriors associated hematite with Mars, the Roman God of War. The soldiers used hematite for protection in battles, believing it would make them invincible.

For thousands of years, Hematite has been prized by many cultures. The Egyptians used hematite to calm anxiety. The famous Greek physician/philosopher, Aelius Galenus used it to treat eye infections and as a cure for headaches. Roman soldiers believed that when hematite was rubbed all over their bodies it provided protection during battle. Legend has it that, blood spilled at these ancient Roman battles saturated the ground and seeped into the earth creating this “blood” stone. Native Americans also believed that war paint made from hematite would make one invincible in combat.

The Hematite properties and uses are very grounding, stabilizing and protective, making it one of the most powerful crystals for meditation.

Provenance of Hematite:
Gray hematite is typically found in places that can have still standing water or mineral hot springs, such as those in Yellowstone National Park in North America. The spectral signature of hematite was seen on the planet Mars by the infrared spectrometer on the NASA Mars Global Surveyor (“MGS”) and 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft in orbit around Mars.

What is the meaning and what are the healing powers of Hematite:
Hematite calms in times of stress or worry. It also helps to absorb negative energy. Hematite helps with mental organization, balancing energy, enhancing memory and increasing intuition as well as boosts the wearer’s self-esteem.