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SIBERIAN 'Tibetan' High Altitude BLUE Quartz Crystal © Cut ****(see below) PENDANT.

32 mm tall x 14 mm wide at widest point. (average)

Weight: 6 gms (average)

These pendants are £55.00 EACH

We have hung these pendants on an adjustable black cord necklace.

Blue velvet pouch included.

6  side cut.

Similar to: Marcel Joseph Vogel Cut. 

Please see:

Original quartz came from the GANESH HIMAL MOUNTAIN TIBET.


These Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude Blue Quartz Crystal © PENDANTS:  have been blessed and empowered in the DORJE DRAK MONASTERY in TIBET (pictures below)

and at Glastonbury Tor (The ancient Isle of Avalon) (pictures below)

We have hung these pendants on an adjustable black cord necklace.

(The damaged Tibetan high altitude quartz we sent to a Russian laboratory is pictured below)****

(This is the first time for 6 years that we have been able to source real Tibetan high altitude quartz crystals.)

These sacred crystals have been mined by a Tibetan family and brought down the mountain by a Yak)

32 mm tall x 14 mm wide at widest point. (average)

Weight: 6 gms (average)

SIBERIAN 'Tibetan'  High Altitude BLUE Quartz Crystal © ****

These crystals are 6 side cut.

In February 2011 a very valued customer of ours asked us if we could get him a real Siberian Blue Quartz pendant. We had never heard or sold Siberian Blue Quartz before and we researched this quartz. We discovered that this special blue quartz is grown from natural quartz and mixed with cobalt in a laboratory in Russia. We then contacted the laboratory and asked them if they would take our damaged Tibetan high altitude quartz and use it to make us SIBERIAN 'TIBETAN' High Altitude blue quartz ©. After some negotiating they agreed and 18 months later we can now offer Siberian Blue quartz which has been created using ONLY our Tibetan High Altitude quartz, we call this  SIBERIAN 'TIBETAN' High Altitude blue quartz ©.

Siberian ‘Tibetan’ High Altitude Blue Quartz © is a joint effort between man and nature. This rare and special quartz stone is totally flawless and has no impurities in it. Siberian ‘Tibetan’ High Altitude Blue Quartz © has been grown and created in a laboratory in Russia. It is created by a process in which natural Tibetan high altitude quartz which we gave to them is broken down and re-grown with cobalt which gives it its deep blue colour.

This Siberian ‘Tibetan’ high altitude Blue Quartz  © has the same chemical composition, hardness, and other basic physical properties as normal Tibetan high altitude quartz but it is a perfect stone and is blue in colour. This laboratory grown gemstone is a real gemstone and it must not be confused with a simulated laboratory created stone.  All the metaphysical properties are exactly the same for this stone as for totally natural Tibetan high altitude quartz crystals.


 FROM:  "Love is in the Earth" by Melody:

When quartz is grown with a substance, in this case Cobalt, the quartz amplifies the properties of the cobalt: "Cobalt can be helpful in developing and furthering creative endeavors, bringing the forces of creativity to their zenith. It is said to be quite uplifting to one’s emotional experiences.



The high altitude Tibetan quartz crystal to make these pendants was hand-harvested from a family-owned mine.

Before the family can even consider crystal harvesting, they must ask permission of the mountain.

If the mountain says “No” then they freely release the idea. If the mountain says, “Yes” then they offer thanks, blessings and rituals and begin the hand harvesting of the crystals.

It is a 10 day trek to reach the remote location where these very special Tibetan high altitude Quartz Crystals are found and the snow covered passes are only open for a short time during the warmer months.

There is a huge difference in the inner power vibration and the energy of  high altitude Tibetan Quartz and normal quartz. It is very high and spiritually powerful and pure, yet still deeply connected to the resonances of the earth. You can feel both aspects of the divine energy as well as the earth energy, it is an amazing and very unusual experience! This Tibetan high altitude crystal was honoured before it was ever mined.

The miners hand harvest the crystals with deep respect to the mountain and the crystals.

Tibetan high altitude quartz crystal is expensive but considering the amazing high quality, the huge inner power, the care and reverence that has been given to the earth and the crystal, as well as the altitude and distance it has travelled, it is truly a rare treasure.

Nature can bring tremendous healing and energy to our lives, this rare Tibetan high altitude Quartz Crystal pendant has been charged with the sacred energy of the Himalayas for millions of years and are truly a gift to those that receive them.

The quartz crystal to make these pendants is hand mined high in the mountains of Tibet and is carried down the mountainside by backpack.

Tibetan crystals are for protection. Just having a Tibetan high altitude crystal close to you puts up an automatic shield against negative energy. It also helps shield you from other people's negative energy.

It is very difficult to acquire REAL Tibetan high altitude quartz. The family that collects the quartz will only deal with people that they know and trust.

I am sorry but real Tibetan high altitude crystal from the Ganesh Himal mountain range is expensive.


Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude Blue Quartz Crystal © PENDANT:

There is a huge difference in the inner power vibration and the energy of this Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude blue quartz crystal © pendant and ordinary Siberian quartz crystal pendants.

Tibetan high altitude crystal is very high and spiritually powerful and pure, yet still deeply connected to the resonances of the earth.

You can feel both aspects of the divine energy as well as the earth energy, it is an amazing and very unusual experience!

The Tibetan high altitude quartz crystal in this Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude blue quartz crystal © was honoured before it was mined.


These Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude blue quartz crystal © pendants bring knowledge and information concerning healing and spirituality. Both healing and meditation have been enhanced. These REAL Siberian 'Tibetan' blue high altitude quartz crystal © pendants can induce total centring of the self and can produce a huge spiritual energy which is important for self channeling. These Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude blue quartz crystal © pendants contains a very special "OM" vibration which your body can attune to with the special resonance and you will be able to radiate special high power energy and be more in tune with your higher self.


We send our damaged Tibetan high altitude quartz  to a laboratory in Russia and they make us

SIBERIAN 'TIBETAN' High Altitude blue quartz ©.




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These are very special true and real Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude blue quartz crystal © pendants. With these Siberian 6 side cut crystal pendants you will be able to amplify both your body energy and your thoughts. These Siberian crystal pendants when held will help you in the creation of inner body power and will bring the energy of the stars into your soul.

These are true real Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude blue quartz crystal © pendants and they are a STONE OF POWER and HEALING.


When you hold and wear a sacred Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude crystal ©

pendant and meditate with it you will be in tune with yourself and be able to speak with and communicate with spiritual and other worldly masters, teachers and healers. A Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude blue crystal © pendant such as these can be used to clear and to activate your energy centers, it provides for purification of the physical, mental and your spiritual mind. It will help you in healing any negativity that is in you. A Tibetan crystal pendant will help direct your "body energy" and will help to banish all inner negativity and will stimulate your positive energy with special thoughts and feelings. A sacred crystal pendant when held and cherished will direct your energy into the higher spiritual realm.

Tibetan high altitude quartz crystal induces amplification of you own special energy field, it can and will produce a huge force field of healing negative ions and will clear the area of positive ions which can harm you and your loved ones. A Tibetan crystal pendant is a huge amplifier and transformer of energy, your smallest thought will be immediately enlarged by these sacred crystals.




To heal someone, you must first know why people suffer,

If, through healing them, you can show them how to stop suffering, you have fulfilled your role as a physician.

At the heart of all suffering there is a spiritual remedy that comes about from knowing the relationships between karma and suffering.

Karma comes from the chaos that exists within all living creatures,

all aspects of this world and the universe at large.

Some chaos is good, some indifferent, some bad,

but it is the stuff from which happiness and then enlightenment can be made.


There are very few people in the world who can feel and sense and need this sacred and special power.

These Siberian 'Tibetan' high altitude blue quartz crystal © pendants are a sacred and blessed spiritual item and they are not just normal crystal pendants. These pendants must be treated with respect and care and with the correct use the power will just grow and grow. You can touch someone with these crystal pendants as a blessing or a healing practice. The deepest power of these crystal pendants are in you.

The original quartz in these rare Siberian 'Tibetan' blue quartz crystals © was  hand harvested by a Tibetan family and all the spiritual power is still inside the sacred crystals.

When you receive this sacred Tibetan crystal pendant you must pray for the welfare, happiness, health and wealth of all beings. In praying like this you are also praying for yourself. You must form a strong bond yourself with this sacred crystal pendant. The main power and secrets of this crystal pendant will be inside you, and it depends upon your relationship with this sacred and blessed item. You must cultivate your relationship through your own mind during prayer,meditation and while reciting mantras. You will create more power every time you use and wear this rare spiritual quartz crystal pendant. When you wear and use a sacred item such as this the spiritual power will get stronger and stronger and the sacred crystal pendant is activated. This sacred crystal pendant is already highly charged by prayers and blessings. Every time you wear and use your spiritual pendant remind yourself of the importance of keeping a positive state of mind, wish good to others and open yourself up to a spiritual and sacred higher force. You must use this sacred item with the intention to bring happiness, joy, loving-kindness and peace into the world, the more that you wear and use it the greater the power.


The damaged Tibetan high altitude quartz crystal that has been used to create these Siberian 'Tibetan' blue crystal © quartz pendants was honored from before it was mined.

The family of miners hand harvest the crystals with deep respect to the mountain and the crystals.

This family of miners adopt the village they are mining in. The family of miners make sure that the young and the old people are well fed and clothed, and also provide education.

These Tibetan high altitude crystals are unfortunately expensive.

Please consider the rarity, the care and the reverence to the earth as well as the altitude and the distance that they have travelled.

These Tibetan high altitude crystals from the Ganesh Himal mountains in Tibet are a rare treasure.


(This is the first time for 6 years that we have been able to source real Tibetan high altitude quartz crystals.)

These sacred crystals have been mined by a Tibetan family and brought down the mountain by a Yak)


The damaged Tibetan high altitude quartz crystals that were used to make these special pendants were hand mined by a Tibetan family.

The crystals were mined by hand at an extraordinary 21,000 feet.

The majority of high altitude Tibetan quartz is mined around 9,000 - 15,000 feet.

The crystals that have been used to make these pendants was hand mined from the Ganesh Himal mountain whose peaks lie mainly on the Nepalese side of the border, but the quartz crystals used in these pendants was mined on the Tibetan side of the border.


Many or us are trying to find peace a small place where we can enjoy our lives. We look around and watch the world go by. All we wish to do is to find a small amount of peace and tranquility in the world today. There are huge amounts of negative and bad energy flowing. Many dark energies are around and trying to posess us. They try to find a host, when we are at a low point in our lives, when we are weak and vunerable.


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The Dorje Drak "Varja Rock" Monastery in Tibet

The Dorje Drak which means Varja or indestructible rock monastery is one of the six great seats or ‘mother’ monasteries of the Nyingma lineage. This monastery was better known as the seat of the Northern Treasure (jang-Ter) tradition. This monastery was completely destroyed in the Chinese invasion and has been restored. There are now about 100 monks performing studies and retreat at the monastery.

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Inside the Dorje Drak Monastery

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Glastonbury Tor (The ancient Isle of Avalon)

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Ganesh Himal Mountain Tibet.



Our Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and they can and will be attuned to you. Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone. These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.


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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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