From the Betta Splendens Complex.

: Least Concern

Wild caught Betta Imbellis from Vietnam

They are not line bred or contain any hybridization like most Imbellis you have seen online.

Wild fish generally look similar, often time they will have torn fins or missing scales from regular sparring that occurs in nature.


Basic Information

Temperament: Males are VERY aggressive and should be kept alone or in tanks with non-male betta mates. Can be kept in a planted community tank of multiple females if there is adequate space.

Max Size: 2.3 inches

TDS: 60 - 200 (We keep them in soft water with low TDS to match our other wild bettas but they are more tolerant of water conditions.)

pH: 5.0-7.0

Temperature : 75-85 (much better coloration at warmer temperature above 78 degrees)

Diet: Carnivorous, we currently feed them live blackworms, frozen bloodworms and pellets.

Breeding: Bubblenester