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Description of contents from the POPULAR FLYING fan enthusiast website:

This issue of Popular Flying magazine contained a free supplementary print illustrated by Howard Leigh - An Imperial Airways Air Liner Approaching Cape Town


This issue runs from page 1 to page 56 (56 pages)

Page 4 – Contents Page

(The contents page is on the same page as a small photograph with the caption “A modern aircraft works.  The new De Havilland factory at Hatfield, in Hertfordshire”)

Page 5 – A Rolls Royce Advert

Page 6 – Above the Fog – A British Continental Airways aircraft approaching Croydon Airport

Page 7 – The Editor’s Cockpit – W. E. Johns

(Subtitled “These Air Lines!” – Johns criticises the practices of certain airlines –“but in fairness to Imperial Airways I will say that they do not come into the picture”)

Page 10 – Early Aero-Naval Co-Operation – An article of great historical value – Dr. Helmut Klotz

(“Being an account of the first occasion on which a German Naval action was directed from the air”)

Page 14 – The Flight over the North Magnetic Pole – Edward Green

Page 18 – My Most Thrilling Flight – Capt. J. E. Doyle, D.F.C.

(This account was not published in 1936 in the book ‘Thrilling Flights’)

Page 20 – Recollections and Reflections III (illustrated with German Official Photographs) – A. J. Insall

Page 22 – on this page is a copy of the letter dropped by two British airman following the death of Lieut. Immelmann.

(It reads “We have come over to drop this wreath as a tribute of the respect the British Flying Corps held for Lieut. Immelmann.  We consider it an honour to have been detailed for this special work.  Lt. Immelmann was respected by all British airman, one and all agreeing that he was a thorough sportsman”)

Page 24 – Getting into Aviation – S. O. Smith (Technical Superintendent of Phillips and Powis Aircraft Ltd.)

Page 25 – Visibility Nil – Flying-Officer H. F. Palin, R.A.F.O.

Page 27 – Between Life and Death – The story of a Parachute Jump that nearly Failed – Gerhard Ruda

(“Recently in Carlsruhe, a town in Upper Silesia, an air display was arranged, and several well-known flyers turned out for the “show”.  With these came Gerhard Ruda, a skilful and experienced parachutist, unaware that he was to escape the fate of many parachutists by a second of time.  We heard of the affair and asked him to tell us what happened, so here is his story in his own words, which, while they may not conform to B.B.C. standards, are equally – if not more – convincing – Ed.”)

Pages 28 and 29 – The Centre Pages – Silent Flight –

An attractive set of photographs just received from Germany, where free ballooning is still widely practised as a sport

Page 30 – Flying Wires – News from Home Airports

(These brief news items make no reference to the very first Spitfire flight which took place on 5th March 1936)

Page 32 – Para-Shoots – Drops of International News

Page 34 – Caribbean Picnic – A Complete Story – Wilfrid Tremellen

Page 38 – Models and Modellers – How to make a model propeller – Edward Sherbourne

Page 42 – Under the Windstocking

(“Readers’ Correspondence” –

One letter from a correspondent speculates about the possibility of what we would now recognise as guided missiles.  Johns comments “I suppose it will come to that in time”)

Page 44 – Trade Notices

(One of these says “The weekly air mail service to Nigeria and the Gold Coast began on Sunday, February 9th.

It will take five days to reach Nigeria and another three days to make the Gold Coast”)

Page 56 – The Buyers’ Log

On the inside back cover the usual John Hamilton book advert returns – the top half of the advert is for 9 George Rochester books (four of which have their dust jackets illustrated).  “Undoubtedly the most popular author of flying stories” says the caption.  The bottom half of the advert is “The Airman’s Bookshelf” and advertises 12 further John Hamilton titles, including ‘Thrilling Flights’ and ‘The Air V.C.’s” by Johns (six of which have their dust jackets illustrated)

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