Portugal -


MNH ~ Miniature Sheet !

50 Years - Portuguese Marine Corps

The Portuguese Marine Corps (Portuguese: Corpo de Fuzileiros) are a Special Forces unit in the Portuguese Navy. The corps is specialised in amphibious warfare, coastal reconnaissance, maritime interdiction and boarding operations. The Portuguese Marine Corps (Corpo de Fuzileiros) is an Elite Light Infantry Force, operating as a Rapid-Reaction Force.

Initial training to become an enlisted Fuzileiro lasts about 42 weeks. It is conducted at the Escola de Fuzileiros in Vale de Zebro. It is rigorous and very demanding, both physically and mentally, and eventually 25% to 40% will pass. If successfully completed, the recruits receive their Blue Dark Beret, and are assigned to operational units. The Fuzileiros in training are constantly under stress and pressure from instructors leaving them no respite.

All activities are timed and scored: marching several tens of kilometers with equipment and weapon, obstacle course, navigation at night on the ground. The training is punctuated by firearms training and special combat techniques, rappelling and climbing, boating, explosives and hand-to-hand combat.

Year: 2011.
