Do You Have the Complete 1944 Commemorative Year Set?

Contents: HBP1944 (922-26) 5 Stamps

Fill the gaps in your collection with the complete five-stamp 1944 Commemorative Year Set – you’ll save time and money. 

Set includes:

• The 3¢ Transcontinental Railroad stamp – On May 10, 1869, the “golden spike” was set at Promontory Point, Utah – completing the first Transcontinental Railroad in the United States. 

• The 3¢ Steamship Savannah stamp – Commemorates the first steam-propelled vessel to cross the Atlantic Ocean.  The Savannah sailed from Savannah, Georgia, on May 22, 1819, and arrived in Liverpool, England, 27 days later.

• The 3¢ View of Corregidor stamp – Called the “Gibraltar of the Pacific,” Corregidor was the site of several key World War II battles between U.S. and Philippine troops and Japanese forces. 

• Stamps honoring the telegraph and motion pictures.

Add the history of the complete 1944 Commemorative Year Set to your collection – order now.