Icy Ice Green Natural Snowflake Cotton Jadeite Jade Peace & Calm Pendant
With certificate (Authentic Type A Jadeite)

Loket Giok Jadeite Ais Hijau Berkapas Salji Bertuah
Bersijil (Type A Jadeite)  
Jadeite Size-35.2mm/28.2mm/5.4mm 
Weight- 15 grams
Video Display Link :- https://youtu.be/xlzpdzMmFvE
Interested pm/whats app +60173488908
Only One Unit Available/Satu Sahaja/仅此一件

A high quality icy ice green natural jadeite jade pendant.
Made to wear on all occasions, beautiful high quality Grade A Jadeite "翡翠"
Perfectly compliments all outfits and moods.

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this beautiful piece or any listings in my shop I am happy to help you and answer any questions.

Genuine A Jadeite Jade. All natural, not enhanced or treated, known in the trade as 'A jade'.A jade is all natural jadeite jade, without any kind of treatment or enhancement.

Jade jadeite, or "翡翠" in Chinese is also known as the "Stone of Heaven". Comes in many fine nuances of green, but also in shades of white, highly prized lavender, black, grey, orange, yellow tones, Jade is a desired stone prized for thousands of year in China for its protective powers and healing qualities. It is also said to stimulate creativity and mental agility, and enhance one's health.

we try our best to take good a most realistic as possible pictures but as all digital pictures they could appear a bit different from computer to computer, In the reality with a real light visual impact of our stones is always better.

Jadeite is a pyroxene mineral with composition NaAlSi2O6. It is monoclinic. It has a Mohs hardness of about 6.5 to 7.0. The mineral is dense, with a specific gravity of about 3.4.Jadeite's color commonly ranges from white through pale apple green to deep jade green but can also be blue-green (like the recently rediscovered "Olmec Blue" jade), pink, lavender and a multitude of other rare colors.  Color is largely affected by the presence of trace elements such as chromium and iron. Its translucence varies from opaque to almost clear.Jadeite is one of two minerals recognized as the gemstone jade.  The most highly valued colors of jadeite are the intensely green, translucent varieties, though traditionally white has been considered the most valuable of the jades by the Chinese. Jadeite is rare, its presence at the surface indicates great uplift of earlier buried regions and great amounts of erosion.

Jadeite ranks near the top of a list of one of the most valuable gemstones in the world. This gemstone is jade's most expensive.most beautiful variety. Since this deep green translucent gem is significantly rarer than other types of jade,it is worth much more. Jadeite value is based on the level of transparency and depth of color. Some very fine pieces have even sold over $1 million per carat.

Jadeite is known for the bright electric green of imperial jade,jadeite can actually occur in many colors, including lavender, yellow, orange-red, blue, black and colorless highly prized in Chinese, Mayan and Maori cultures, this stone has an extensive body of folklore. Jadeite value depends on its translucence and texture, with top-quality material appearing to be full of water, or like a drop of colored oil. Still, determining the price of a piece of jade involves more subjectivity than most gemstones. The artistry of the piece play a very important role. There,s a Chinese saying:"Gold has value, Jade is invaluable.".
Jadeite Peace & Calm Pendant

The Jadeite Peace & Calm symbolizes "peace and no trouble", it has no carvings, so it means that the world is not disturbed. On the surface, it seems that there is nothing but it seems to contain everything in the world, full of Zen. Compare to other jadeite pendants with carved patterns, the plain ones will be more profound in the artistic conception. Although the surface of Peace & Calm Pendant does not have any patterns and carving as decoration, this large and simple style is more in line with the positioning of jewelry. The most beautiful texture is precisely the texture naturally formed by jadeite. Women wear this elegant jewelry can highlight their intellectual beauty more then those with complicated carvings. Therefore, when other ornament are pursuing complicated carvings, this pendant goes the opposite way showing us a kind of elegant beauty without decorating.

翡翠(jadeite),也称翡翠玉, 翠玉,是玉的一种。翡翠的正确定义是以硬玉矿物为主的辉石类矿物组成的纤维状集合体。在古代翡翠是一种生活在南方的鸟,毛色十分美丽,通常有蓝,绿,红,棕等颜色。一般这种鸟雄性的为红色,谓之“翡”,雌性的为绿色,谓之“翠“。




'Kuasa' luar biasa jed

Keindahan penggunaan jed sudah sekian lama dikenali. Bukan saja kerana nilai batu itu tinggi, tapi turut diyakini mempunyai 'kuasa' dalam penjagaan diri pemiliknya.

1.Kesihatan. 2.Mengelakkan Malapetaka. 3.Menyejukkan Badan. 4.Menenangkan Diri. 5.Gaya Tersendiri. 6.Warisan. 7.Menyimpan Kekayaan. 8.Perlaburan.

Bahkan, kedudukan pemakaiannya yang terkenal dalam kalangan generasi terdahulu turut dijadikan sebagai koleksi warisan untuk dihadiahkan kepada generasi muda dalam keluarga.

Hari ini, jed dipakai  sebagai pelengkap gaya dan simbolik kepada kemewahan individu.

Jed sering dilihat sebagai hiasan untuk individu berusia kerana budaya masyarakat suka menjadikannya sebagai 'harta' dan perlaburan diwariskan kepada generasi berikutnya.

Antara warna boleh dimiliki ialah hijau, merah, putih, hitam, ungu, coklat, kuning dan campuran warna.

Jed dari Myanmar adalah kelompok batu jed berkualiti paling tinggi di dunia, memiliki dan memakai jed membantu dari sudut kesihatan, mengelak malapetaka dan membawa tuah. Semakin jernih jed, semakin tinggi nilai harganya.
