Bcherbär - Buchharald Bcherbär - Buchharald

Excelsa No.8/1979 Aloe Cactus Succulent Rhodesia

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Excelsa No. 8

Journal of the Aloe - Cactus and Succulent Society of Rhodesia

Edited by Michael J. Kimberley
Assisted by Trevor B. C. Harding
Published by The Aloe, Cactus .... October 1979,
95 Sides and much very interest pictures

Lithops optica ... - Gems of the Diamond Area
Fascinating Cacti of Baja California
Notes on New Tropical African Aloes
Reflections on G. G. Schmith's ...
Notes on Aloe globuligemma Pole Evans ...
and many more

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Zustand: Einbandecken und -kanten etwas bestoßen, sonst gute Erhaltung


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