Lythrum ,Lythrum salicaria,Lythrum seeds,Medicinal Herb,organic seeds,honey plant, ##60  

Willow loosestrife - plakun-grass (Lythrum salicaria) is a perennial, very winter-hardy and moisture-loving plant. It grows in height up to 1.7 meters. Summer-autumn nectar plant and pollen plant. It grows in damp places, on the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds, canals, swamps, meadows. Promotes autumn growth of bees, serves to replenish honey reserves for the winter. Bees willingly visit this plant, collecting nectar and pollen. Loosestrife gives off nectar all day. Honey collected from willow loaf has a characteristic tart flavor, very aromatic and has a rich amber color. In the presence of large areas of loosestrife, the weight gain of the control hive is up to 5 kg per day. Honey productivity 360-420 kg / ha.

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