Item Description:

ORIGINAL (not a copy) Press (Publicity) Photo

These have been handled previously

Please pay close attention to the scanned image of the item to determine the condition of the photograph. There could be damage or flaws due to prior handling by news agencies, etc. This photograph was formerly used for promotional purposes. Most photos are in surprisingly good ? near mint condition but could also have slight wrinkles, cracks, markings or tears due to age and handling.

This photograph is for sale as a collectible as does not convey or transfer copyright.

All photographs are 8x10 (inches) or 7x9 (inches) unless otherwise noted.

Some items include a typed description or caption page that will be clearly shown in scan, if included.

All items purchased and paid for at the same time, ship together for this one low shipping cost.

All photos are placed in a protective acid-free plastic sleeve and put between 2 pieces of rigid cardboard then packaged securely in a water proof, tear resistant envelope.