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Railroad prints are taken from Calendar pages from the 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s

beautiful color and 2nd page with all the history, data, and information about the train

great for framing, keeping in album, hanging up, collecting

prints measure 10 3/4" x 7 1/4"


The locomolive Mississippi" is the South's

oldest engine still existent. It is thought that this tiny machine first was put into service on the Mississippi Railroad, running North-

easterly from Natchez to Hamburg It is difficult to imagine the maze of inde

pendent short lines that existed in the old South, and even after the Civil War, many parts clung to the philosophy of resistance to the railroads as an enemy of the land- holders, landlords, and planters. In an effort to prevent the Northern dominance much now constrict we haltar

Yet. it was but a question of time for these small roads. Most were eventually absorbed into such giants as the Southern. Louisville & Nashville, Gulf, Mobile & Onio, Central of Georgia and other railroads

Even so, some did survive until the post

World War II period... always steamdriven somewhal primitive, burning any kind of fuel at hand, but proud to the end. The Mississippi worked for numerous rail roads until 1890 was reconditioned and continued under her own power as late as

1995 Shanmu dienmad in China

The "Mississippi"


Natchez & Hamburg RR

Wheel arrangement: 0-4-0

Weight: 7 tons Driving wheels: 43 inches

Fuel: Wood

Tractive power: 4,821 pounds