Star anise is a pillar ingredient in Chinese cooking; it is one of the main flavors in Chinese five-spice powder and is also used to make tea and season roast duck and other meats; In Vietnamese cuisine, star anise is part of the well-known soup, pho; In Western cultures, it is more often used to flavor liqueurs, such as absinthe, sambuca, and pastis, as well as baked goods like cookies and cakes. 

The star anise pod is picked before it ripens and then dried in the sun, turning it a deep brown or rust color. The distinctive flavor is derived from anethol, the same oil found in anise seed giving both a licorice taste.

Ingredients: Star Aniseed
Country of Origin: China
How to Store: Store in an airtight container and keep it in a cool and dry place.

Benefits & Uses
This delicate spice used as a flavouring base for soups, sauces, bread, cakes, biscuits and in the confectionary.
The spice is also commonly used in breads, pastries and other types of desserts because of its particular sweetness. Pudding, strudels and custards are some of the preparations where star anise can be used to add a unique flavour.
Anise seeds, as well as its oil, has been in use in the preparation of sweet dishes in many Asian countries.
Its seeds also used as a flavouring base for the preparation of herbal tea; and a liquor called anisette.
It is one of the spices in the famous five-spice powder commonly used in Chinese cooking.