Agfa 35mm 36 exposure expired colour slide film E6 CTX100  

Ideal for cross processing in C41

If I were going to use this tomorrow, I would set my camera's lightmeter for 80ASA (rather than 100ASA) and find a good lab to cross process (Aperture Printing, 27 Rathbone place, London )

Agfa film (And Jessops own brand ) colour slide film was always good for a technique called Cross-Processing as you get weird and unpredictable colour combinations that are typically, unrepeatable.

Cross Processing is intentionally processing film in the wrong chemicals, creating interesting and unpredictable color shifts and increased contrast. For example, cross processing would be shooting a roll of color slide film or E6  and developing it as if it were color negative film or C41 (or visa versa). The best thing about cross processing is the unpredictability of it, you never know what you’re gonna get, but that’s the fun of photography, and likely you shoot film.

Just Google " Cross processing colour slide film" to find out more.