

-A digitally drawn image inspired by Monster Hunter from the Gaming Universe. Printed on Canvas and hand-stretched over a pinewood frame. A Perfect Canvas for Home Decor or as a Gift for any occasion.

-All products are made to order and are hand stretched over real pinewood frames. All work is done in-house to ensure optimum quality is achieved.

-All images are Printed on a high quality bright white Matte canvas using a set of 8 Professional Power Chrome K3 inks. This combination is used effectively to optimise the print quality and to ensure that the final product is to the highest standard.

-Please note that there may be a slight colour difference in the actual product than the ones you see on your monitor, as all monitors have varied screen settings and do not capture the exact colours of the final product.



-Measurements are Length by Height by Depth: – 14inch x 8inch x 18mm
