ambergris . Perfume amulet.

One of the most coveted and rare way to serve it was by adding a hint of ambergris, a byproduct of sperm whales’s digestive tract! Small Intricately worked silver containers called “Anibrat” would be used to keep the luxury and fragrant material, drowned in the teapot for a couple seconds before serving.

Now this tradition have totally disappeared leaving a quantity of “Anibrat” useless, unless a caring soul dare to recycle them!

They actually make great pendants and beads!

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Items above 150 euros are usually shipped with FedEx

As a regular rule, items under 150 euros are shipped by registered mail and take between 7 to 10 days to reach any country in the world.

Pleas don’t be hesitate to contact me if you have any questions I will answer as soon as possible