These vibrantly coloured and sweetly scented flowers are a traditional sign of spring and look stunning planted in groups or drifts in borders or naturalised in lawns. 
It is the purple-blue colour of Bluebells which will attract bees in their droves. For many bee species, the sustenance of Bluebells' nectar is vital during the early spring months
These bulbs are grown on our organically managed farm and qualify as cultivated stock.
Bluebells prefer a moisture retentive, humus rich soil. The site should be well drained, but it shouldn’t dry out in summer. Most soils benefit from the incorporation before planting of a good quantity of well decomposed leaf mould or leaf litter.

Plant bulbs approx. 8cm deep in small clumps of 4 - 12. When the clumps become dense, lift and separate after flowering whilst still in leaf.
Grows to approximately 15cm
Flowers between April and May

Supplied 'in the green' - please allow foliage to die back naturally