AMain Hobbies
The MyTrickRC Four Way LED Splitter Cable lets you connect 4 LEDs to one port on your controller. The primary purpose for the 4-Way LED Splitter is for adding Rock Lights to your Rig. And since your Dragon Controller is normally connected to your body, the 4-Way LED Splitter has in in-line Quick Disconnect so that you can easily unplug your you Body from the Chassis! So the 4-Way side of the cable connects to your Rock Lights and stays permanently attached to your chassis, while the other end stays permanently plugged into your Controller.

Also, the 4-Way LED Splitter is compatible with ALL MyTrickRC Controllers so expanding your lighting system is easier than ever. This Cable can be used with Standard 3mm & 5mm LEDs, Attack Light Bars, Rock Lights, Spot Lights, Wafer Headlights, and Halos.


  • Group A = RED, ORANGE, and AMBER LEDs (are compatible with each other)
  • Group B = WHITE, BLUE, and GREEN LEDs (are compatible with each other)
  • Groups A & B are not compatible with each other. So, if you connect a RED and WHITE LED together, only the RED will turn on. This is because Group A LEDs have a lower voltage drop, so Group A steals all the power if combined together.
  • When using these with Attack Lighting, DO NOT connect more than Two Light Bars, or 4 pairs of Attack Headlights, Rock Lights, Spot Lights, Halos, or Wafer LEDs to this cable, or you risk overheating it.
  • The 4-Way LED Splitter can be used with the DG-1 or UF-7C controllers. However, if you have a UF-7C you will also need a Standard Light Bar Regulator. The Standard Light Bar Regulator will ensure that your Rock Lights never receive too high of voltage, thereby damaging them.