Affiche originale - Paris Haute Couture - Gérard Courbouleix Dénériaz (Razzia) - 1983.

91,4 x 61 cm

Gérard Courbouleix – Dénériaz, dit aussi Razzia, est un graphiste français né en Montparnasse en 1950.Razzia est l'un des derniers affiche artistes à rester à une époque dominée par images générées par ordinateur. Il a commencé sa carrière dans ce que l'on peut appeler l'âge d'or de l'affiche. Razzia est unique en ce sens qu'il utilise toujours le même style ancien pour réaliser ses affiches. Il continue de faire des affiches à partir d'une peinture originale, par opposition à l'infographie.

Son travail évoque Art Déco. Il est surtout connu pour son travail pour Louis Vuitton.

Envoie soigné en tube.


Razzia has gained a distinctive reputation as the last graphic artist who actually earns the title as a ‘poster artist’.  In the golden age of posters, the best artists were employed to create unique artist impressions for advertising campaigns without the use of computer generated graphics. French artist Razzia replicates this process by conceiving his posters from an original painting to produce his memorable Art Deco inspired works, without the use of computer generated graphics. 

Razzia lives and works in Paris and the south of France.  He began his career as a photographer in the music industry and in 1979 he created his first graphic from a photo shoot.  This led to publications of his work in foreign fashion magazines. 

Throughout his career, Razzia has created an impressive series of works for luxury brand powerhouse, Louis Vuitton.  His relationship with the brand began in 1985 and he has worked consistently with the company since then.  The poster series for the, “Art of Travelling in Style,” have become some of the most sought after and collected posters in the world. 

Razzia has also produced work for the 1984 French Open, Stetson Hats, Lancia Automobiles, International Pret a Porter Feminin, Bloomingdales, Harrod’s, several champagne brands and restaurants in Europe and New York.

Elton John, the late Jackie Collins and Michael Cain are amongst Razzia’s fans.

Shipment in tube with careful attention.