Cooking Marvellous
Butcher's Traditional Recipes Dog Food Trays 24 x 150g for sale

Butcher's Traditional Recipes Dog Food Trays 24 x 150g

British & Irish Farmed We only work with suppliers we know and trust. Like us many of our suppliers are British family run companies that we have worked with for over 15 years. Complete & Balanced Meals rich in all the nutrients your dog needs. Be confident that your dog is eating a well-balanced diet full of essential vitamins, minerals and fibre. No Nasties No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. We do not use them as your dog does not need them. Just naturally nutritious food for dogs. Grain Free Naturally gluten free - no grains or bulkers. Wholesome grain free nutrition as we know some dogs cannot tolerate grains. Beneficial Oils Omega 3 and 6 for healthy skin and coat. And helps support your dogs natural immunity. Garden Veg Great fibre source and packed with vitamins. Naturally tasty and easily digestible

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