a Dutch art deco, frosted pressed clear glass sculpture on a hand-made wooden stand with light


Vrouwenmasker / Mask of a woman

designed circa 1929, by:

C.C. van Asch van Wijck (Dutch, 1900-1932)

Jonkvrouwe Cornelie Caroline / Cox Volcker van Soelen - van Asch van Wijck

executed in, or/and soon after, 1929 at: NV Glasfabriek Leerdam, Netherlands

the female shows a serene face with downcast / lowered eyes,

her hand is covering her left ear, as in a gesture not to be disturbed by, or not wanting to hear, sounds or words from the left side, 

the left side in art (f.e. theatre, movies) is known as the side where the bad comes from, the left is also called: sinister (f.e. in heraldry)

although it is called masker, for mask, it is not hollow on the back

the artist's / Leerdam monogram is moulded in the glass on the bottom of the object,

height including the wooden stand: 38 cm / circa 15 inch

weight circa 4345 gr

the wooden stand is a recent, beautiful crafted, handmade remake

 please note: the lightning in the stand has 220Volt, non professional wiring

- have it checked for safety before using this electric device -

the seller will take no consequences or responsibility for any kind of effects during or after use of this electric device,

the buyer will not hold the seller responsible for any effects or damage caused by the use of this electric device

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- without a buyer’s phone number and email address, the seller can not always ship and this can be a reason to cancel the transaction

- the seller, Delta 98 Den Haag, will not use buyer's provided info for other use then for the shipping provider’s requirements.


import into the US and all NON-EU countries,

(the seller is based in The Netherlands, EU)

- to let the import of an item into the US go more smoothly, the buyer/importer will have to be prepared to submit a CBP 5106 form to the shipping provider and/or US-Customs, please check why, when, what and how for yourself

- to admit the CBR 5106 form can take some time and the delivery therefore can take longer as anticipated, expected or predicted by the shipping provider

- for import in all non-EU countries: please check for yourself prior to buying if there are requirements for the importer

- for all non-EU countries: the buyer/importer will probably have to pay for the import, state taxes and customs costs and this is to the buyer’s responsibility


sales tax / VAT / BTW:

- the seller Delta 98 Den Haag, The Hague, Netherlands, EU is subject to the

Dutch/NL, EU sales tax “Margin Scheme” (in Dutch: “BTW Margeregeling”)

- the seller’s tax number in The Netherlands, EU is: NL001190378B30


we are:

delta 98 den haag

The Hague, The Netherlands, EU

registrated at the Chambers of Commerce, The Hague:

Kamer van Koophandel Haaglanden, file 27133335