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These benefits apply to $10.00 shipping items such as lures and hooks. If you are in a hurry you can choose EMS shipping..

Item Description

Blue back fish only model that shoots at large amberjack and yellowtail. A model specializing in blue backed fish with a view to rock shore. Operating the Hardbait lure such as 80g diving pencils and 100g class metal jigs, and fight without giving initiative to the target. We will send to anglers who are blue backed fish regardless of time and place such as amberjack on the rocky shore and yellowtail. Shore handle 60g or more of the metal jig comfortable jigging standard model of. 10ft length that enables long-distance casting approach from breakwaters and rocky shores, MH power setting that supports metal jigs of MAX 80g and plugging of about 60g. A powerful one that uses a putover joint (reverse parallel splicing) that draws a beautiful bend and catches the forcible fight of large migratory fish such as yellowtail and Spanish mackerel mackerel with the entire rod. Please check the image, title and item specifications carefully.