About the Book

Books about Social History discuss the societal dimension of historical processes, which sets it apart from mainstream political history, that focuses on key historical actors and military clashes. Titles include: Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society, Old worlds for new; a study of the post-industrial state, The settlement idea; a vision of social justice, The Social Revolution. I. Reform and Revolution; II. The Day After the Revolution, English Social Movements, Social England in the fifteenth century; a study of the effects of economic conditions, and The Voice of the Machines: An Introduction to the Twentieth Century.

Also in this Book

Titles in this category are Biographies and Auto-biographies that reflect the cultural heritage of a nation. For example the memoirs of a Malayan Family will provide insights into the culture of Malaya. Similarly, the life experiences of an immigrant to the United States, will contribute to an understanding of the cultural heritage of the country.

And in this Book

These are titles about Women who have been prominent in any field of endeavour, including education, literature, the arts, music, politics, medicine, science and technology. This also includes women who have been prominent in history, in women’s organizations, and part of the movement for women’s suffrage.

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