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Books in the Fairy Tales, Folklore and Mythology generally incorporate stories about interactions between humans (or humanoid gods) and imaginary deities, fairies, mermaids and witches; or imaginary beasts such as dragons, giants, and trolls. Fairy tales are mainly children's literature, but mythology dates back to ancient civilizations across the globe. Titles in this genre include: Myths and legends of British North America, Myths and Legends of the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes, The Heroes of Asgard: Tales from Scandinavian Mythology, Tales from Greek Mythology, Wonder tales from Scottish myth & legend, Essai sur la LÈgende de MÈlusine, and Lieder der Alten Edda. Deutsch durch die Brüder Grimm.

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Historical Fiction books set their characters and plot at some time in the past, providing adequate background on the customes and mores of that time to make it seem believable to the reader, whilst not necessarily remaining true to actual historical events in that setting. This genre became quite popular in Europe and North America during the 19th century. Examples include: A Plot and a Peerage, Uncle Moses, Vathek; An Arabian Tale, The Naulahka: A Story of West and East, The Bindweed: A Romantic Novel Concerning the Late Queen of Servia, and Hawk's Nest, or the last of the Cahoonshees.

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Books that contain Epic Poetry are long narrative poems that recount long past extraordinary and grand events that have passed into legend. Titles include: A Translation of Dante's Inferno, Beowulf: An Epic Poem, Cynewulf's Christ: an eighth century English epic, Dante's Ten Heavens; A Study of the Paradiso, Das Gudrunlied, Eclectic English Classics. Paradise Lost (Books I. And II.), Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome: The Armada, Ivry, and The Battle of Naseby, The mystic vision in the Grail legend and in the Divine comedy, and Voltaire's Essay on Epic Poetry: A Study and an Edition, a Dissertation.

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