Selling my Canon VT (not deluxe) as I don't use it as much as I should. Hopefully the photos show it's near mint condition.
There's a dent on the genuine lens cap (pictured).
The lens is in relatively good condition, a few minor scratches on the front element and possibly oil on the aperture blades or maybe just wear from a long life of use from previous owners.
The rangefinder patch is a tiny bit faded, also there is dust and cleaning marks within the viewfinder.
The shutter speeds seem to all work and sound like they are functioning properly.
The shutter curtain is in mint shape, couldn't get a photo as I still have a roll of a film inside.
The body can be given a good clean and would definitely look fresh again.

Ive taken a few photos, but never sent them off to be developed
,so unfortunately no photo examples.
