Floating Plant Ring Mix + Frozen Food Feeding Cup Combo for Planted / Nano Tanks

Summary of Product

Due to the popularity of our floating plant rings and feeding cups, we decided to bundle them together in a combo for a special price! This is the perfect gift for anyone who owns a planted or nano tropical/freshwater aquarium - in this bundle you will receive a set of our signature, free-standing floating plant rings and one of our frozen feeding cups. We've included a few ways below in which we and our customers have used the rings to benefit our specific aquarium needs - you can also find out what is included in this bundle as well as information about each specific product we are offering within.

Please be aware, the free-floating plant rings we offer may move around the surface of your aquarium a bit if you have a high flow filtration system. But, don't fret! If you do have a high flow system, you can simply add the suction cup shaft into your order before checking out via this listing and keep your ring firmly planted in one place.

All of the raw materials used in our products are safe, tested and approved for use in aquariums. There are no toxins or chemicals present that will cause any harm to aquatic life!

Please also be aware the GREEN variation produces a great neon effect under blue night lighting, see photographs for more pictures!

What you will receive in our bundle! : -
  • Suction Cup Mounting Shaft for Plant Ring - these are for aquarium owners with HIGH FLOW systems. These will prevent a plant ring from moving around aimlessly, add one of these to your bundle to keep the ring in a fixed area within your tank.
Product Information

The floating plant rings have been designed with true versatility in mind, all of our freestanding rings have been tried and tested by customers, local aquatic stores as well as individually placed in floral buckets for extended periods at varying temperatures to ensure flotation at all times. We also test rings prior to shipping in a bucket of plain, R.O water to ensure they are not faulty as well as visually inspecting them. The rings are most commonly used in the following ways: -
As well as all the above methods, we've really noticed that our fish, snails and shrimp seem to love hanging around by the rings, especially schooling species like tetras! Obviously some fish love to egg lay within some floating plant roots such as Frogbit, so another added bonus is you can create small havens in breeding tanks that are controlled and will not move around much when you are trying to egg count etc. The 8" rings are perfect in small and large setups, great for tanks like Juwel/Fluval 125L+ in pairs/trios or also in smaller nano cubes / tanks alone. The 6" rings are also great in small to medium setups and also work nicely as a a feeding ring due to their smaller size.

In addition to the floating plant rings, you will receive our high quality frozen fish food feeding cup (includes suction cup for mounting) which is designed to make feeding frozen cubes a breeze! Simply mount the cup somewhere near your filter outflow (simply to aid with movement of the food once it has melted) and the food will gradually leave the cup. The circular sides allow the food to naturally float out from all angles, and the bottom is grilled to ensure no food is wasted at all. It's a simple and effective little product that takes away the need to use any syringes or pipettes, it's also very exciting to watch how the fish approach the feeder in different ways, particularly with blood worm when the fish will rush to the mesh to grab worms that are piling up as the cube first melts!


Will I need a Plant Ring mounting shaft?

They are by no means a requirement. The rings have been tested in a multitude of different set-ups, including the popular Fluval Shaker and Juwel Rio collections. In those instances, a shaft was not required and the drift of the ring was minimal, by no means enough to warrant needing it in a fixed location. Generally speaking, sponge filtration and small all-in-one filtration systems, external or hang-on back will be perfectly fine without any method of mounting for the rings.

Can I mix & match colours?

You are welcome to mix and match, please just state this when purchasing in the buyer's message, or simply contact us after ordering and tell us which colours you would like to mix. There is no additional charge for this as we always try to maintain a small stock level of all colours.

PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to accept returns on these items if they have already been used, if you are unhappy with your product or it is broken in any way upon arrival during the courier service, please contact us for a replacement or to see how we may be able to help.