For a very different take on Mother Goose nursery rhymes you might want to read “Yankee Mother Goose” written by Benjamin F. Cobb and illustrated by Ella S. Brison.  This rare find was published in 1902 by Hurst & Co of New York. A well care for First Edition (the World Cat lists both editions from Hurst & Co of New York and the Jamieson-Higgins of Chicago as first editions) it is a unique curiosity with plenty of ethnic stereotypes typical of that time period and not like any other Mother Goose book you might come across. 

Benjamin Franklin Cobb (b 1844 - ) was an American journalist and author of over 23 works including the Jack Henderson Series. Born in Boston, Mass he served in the U.S. Navy and was active early in the 1900 – 1910’s. 

Ella S. (Trautman) Brison (1878 – 1970) studied at Chicago Art Institute and Holmes School of Illustration. She exhibited in Chicago with her specialty being the of illustrating of children’s books, crafts and design.