About the Book

Books about Engineering are concerned with the design, construction, and operation of mechanical machines, operating systems of various kinds, and the design and management of public and private infrastructure projects. Titles include: A chronological history of electrical development from 600 B.C., A Practical Treatise on Lightning Protection, A Handbook for Steam Users, A few useful shop hints on locomotive valve setting, Asphalt Construction for Pavements and Highways, Concrete-Block Manufacture; Processes and Machines, Drainage Engineering, Die Technik des Deutschen Emissionsgeschäfts, Earthwork and Its Cost, with a Chapter on Ditching and Trenching Machinery, Elektrometallurgie und Galvanotechnik, Girder-Making and the Practice of Bridge Building in Wrought Iron, Mill building construction, The Engineers' Manual, Tools and Machines, and The triumphs of steam; or, stories from the lives of Watt, Arkwright, and Stephenson.

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In this category Job Hunting books explain to the unemployed, or first time job-seekers, how to find employment, or obtain a better position through a new job. Topics covered include: Choosing a vocation, Engineering as a career, Choice of Vocation, and the role of higher education for business.

And in this Book

Books about Agricultural Engineering discuss the application of engineering theory and practice to agricultural production and management problems. Titles include: A Brief Discourse on Wine, A short history of British agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry, American Grape Training, Electro-horticulture, Farm Crops Laboratory Manual and Note Book, Forest Planting in New Jersey, Mushrooms for the Million. A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Most Profitable Outdoor Crop Known, Peach Culture, The Culture of the Grape, and Wine-Making, The Seaweed Industries of Japan, and The Training of a Forester.

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