About the Book

Books about State and Local Histories in the United States are written in relation communities ranging from a single suburb or village, to a major city or State of the United States. Titles include the following: A Short History of Pittsburgh: 1758-1908, Boston and Boston People in 1850, Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware, from Their First Settlement in 1636, to the Present Time, A History of the Town of Dunstable, Massachusetts, The Settlement of Illinois, 1778-1830, History of Bourbon County, Kansas. To the Close of 1865, History of the Town of Bellingham, Massachusetts, 1719-1919, Oregon: The claim of the United States to Oregon, The making of Iowa, True stories of old Houston and Houstonians, Historical and Personal Sketches, A History of Coventry, Orleans County, Vermont, and A Brief History of the City of New York.

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Books about Travel in the East South Central States of the United States describe exploration, travel, tourism, and adventures in the region often known as "Old Dixie", which is blessed with fertile soil, forests of the Mississippi river. Titles include: The Virginia Tourist: Sketches of the Springs and Mountains of Virginia, Reminiscences of an Indianian: From the Sassafras Log behind the Barn in Posey County to Broader Fields, and Mammoth Cave of Kentucky (Hovey and Call): With an Account of Colossal Cavern.

And in this Book

Books about Travel in the West of the United States describe exploration, travel, tourism and adventures in the western region of the United States that is often referred to as “The West”. Titles include: Arizona and Sonora: the geography, history, and resources of the silver region of North America, County of San Diego: The Italy of Southern California, Gold Hunting in Alaska, Hesperos: Or, Travels in the West, Narrative of a Tour from the State of Indiana to the Oregon Territory in the Years 1841-2, Rambles in the Rocky Mountains: with a visit to the gold fields of Colorado, The top of the continent; the story of a cheerful journey through our national parks, and Description of a journey and visit to the Pawnee Indians: who live on the Platte River, a tributary to the Missouri, 70 miles from its mouth.

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