About the Book

Books that are Almanac are annual publications that list out a calendar of events for the coming year, including religious festivals, planting dates, tide times etc. Annual Reports are books that present the activities of corporations, government bodies, or private associations for the previous year. Titles in this eclectic collection include: Chi Phi Year Book, 1902, Official Proceedings of the National Democratic Convention, Held at Baltimore, July 9, 1872, Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Year Book of the New York Southern Society, for the Year 1913-14, Year-Book of the Royal Society of London, 1901, The Almanacs of Roger Sherman, 1750-1761, Proceedings of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, and Public Schools of the City of Chicago: Forty-Fifth Annual Report of the Board of Education for the Year Ending June 23, 1899.

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Books that are a Catalog, or Catalogue, can refer to the catlogs that contain a listing of the books contained in a library or about almost any topic that requires classification and / or categorization, including art exhibitions and music collections. Titles include: A Catalogue of Italian Renaissance Woodcuts, A Catalogue of the Birds of the West Indies, A Catalogue of the Original Works of John Wyclif, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Historical Manuscripts in the Arabic and Persian Languages, Catalogue of Etchings and Dry-points, Catalogue of the Castellani collection of antiquities in the University Galleries, Oxford, Catalogue of the plants of Los Angeles county, Flora of Norfolk: A Catalogue of Plants Found in the County of Norfolk, and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Catalogue of Greek, Etruscan and Roman Vases.

And in this Book

Books called Encyclopedias provides a large number of brief articles about items or matters of interest about a wide range of subject areas, although some encyclopedias may be specialized in a given subject area. Titles include: Encyclopaedia Coniferae, and Encyclopedia of diet: a treatise on the food question. In Five volumes.

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